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    放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2024-10-28 18:34:15   浏览次数:1  发布人:c4cf****  IP:124.223.189***  评论:0

    A Young Officer and an Old Soldier (1) A very new , young officer was at a railway station He was going to visit his mother , and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of his train . He loo

    A Young Officer and an Old Soldier (1)

    A very new , young officer was at a railway station He was going to visit his mother , and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of his train . He looked in all his pockets , but found that he did not have the coins for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him .

    1 . 年轻军官与老兵 (1)

    一位新上任的 ( new ) 年轻军官 ( young officer ) 在火车站 ( railway station ) 候车。 他要去 看望 ( visit ) 他的母亲 ( mother ) 。 他想打电话 ( want to telephone sb . ) 告诉 ( tell ) 母亲他的列车 ( train ) 到站的时间。 但寻遍了所有的口袋 ( pocket ) , 却发现 ( find ) 他没有打电话用的硬币 ( coin ) , 于是他走到车站外面 ( outside ) , 环顾四周 ( look around ) 想找人帮忙 ( help ) 。

    1 . A Young Officer and an Old Soldier (2)

    At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, “ Have you got change for ten pence ? ” “ Wait a moment , ” the old soldier answered , beginning to put his hand in his pocket . “ I'll see whether I can help you . ” “ Don't you know how to speak to an officer? ” the young man said angrily . “ Now let's start again Have you got change for ten pence? ” “ No, sir , ” the old soldier answered quickly .

    1 . 年轻军官与老兵 (2)

    最后 ( at last ) 有名老兵 ( old soldier ) 路过, 年轻的军官拦住他道: “你有十便士 ( pence ) 的零钱 ( change ) 吗? ” “ 等会儿 ( wait a moment ) 。 ” 老兵回答 ( answer ) , 开始 ( begin ) 把手放 ( put ) 进口袋, “ 让我看看是否 ( whether ) 能帮助你。 难道你不知道 ( know ) 该怎样跟一位长官说话 ( speak ) 吗? ” 年轻人生气地 ( angrily ) 说, “ 现在我们重新开始 ( start again ) , 你有十美分的硬币 吗? ”

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